Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday Tip ~ 8/21/2012

That pesty collect-all junk drawer could cause more than a head ache!  A recent house fire in New Hampshire is the result of a spark from a battery gone awry! On suggestion is to make sure all batteries are put in ziplock bags or kept in their original packaging where they are unable to make contact with anything else in the drawer! 

Full Story:Junk Drawer Fire  Solutions: Drawer Organizers on Amazon

We hope you have a Spark Free week... but if you need us you can find more information and contact us thru www.servpronortherncharleston.com.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tuesday Tip ~ 8/7/2012

Lightning can strike from as far as 10 miles away and accounts for many outdoor fires! We have seen some crazy lightning storms the last few weeks in Charleston! They may be cool to watch... but be careful! If you can hear thunder you are "in range!"

For more lightning safey tips: http://www.nfpa.org/
And don't forget... if your storm gazing ends in unfortunate flood or fire damage... we can help!! www.servpronortherncharleston.com

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday Tip! ~ 7/17/2012

UGH! New spill on the carpet or upholstery??? DON'T SCRUB! Scrubbing helps to set the stain and make it much more difficult to clean! BLOT LIGHTLY and change the paper towel/towel/sponge often! It takes a little time and a whole lot of patience, but the blotting will pull the liquid out a bit at a time with minimal spreading!

Got up as much as you can and still have a spot?? NO PROBLEM... we are only a phone call away! 843-747-8750 (Or use our handy dandy on-line Contact Us form!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tuesday Tip ~ 7/10/2012

Ok... we are taking a break today from our fire and water safety tips because this was too awesome to pass up!

How many times have you nearly lost your mind... or a finger... trying to open plastic packages?? This is a super solution!

As always feel free to contact us 24/7 with all of your water, fire, carpet cleaning, upholstery needs!  You can use our On Line Form or call 843-747-8750

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tuesday Tip ~ 7/3/2012

How hot does a sparkler burn?? 1200 degrees!! Needless to say that's hot enough to start a fire just about anywhere. When celebrating tomorrow night... Keep the water handy... the kids a little less handy and have a "designated shooter!" Fireworks can be fun... but that kind of heat does not mix well with alcohol!  Have a safe and amazing 4th of July! 

If you have a sparkler get out of control... we are on call 24/7 to help!  (843) 747-8750 or online with our Contact Us Form.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tuesday Tip ~ 6/26/2012

Most of us cannot stand to see power cords out in the open in our homes. And one of the most common "fixes" is to tuck the excess cord under the carpet. HOWEVER... did you also know that is a fire hazard! Damage to hidden cords cannot be seen, and lets face it: How often do we really pull the carpet back to inspect them!

We found a zillion (give or take a couple) links to offer creative solutions...this is just one of the:  http://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/504604/list/How-to-Hide-Those-Messy-Wires
And for good measure... check out our Home Emergency Safety Tips as well!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tuesday Tip ~ 6/19/2012

How old are the batteries in your smoke detectors??

According to NFPA, "Almost two-thirds of home fire deaths resulted from fires in homes with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms."   Locate and test all of your smoke detectors at least once a month!

For more smoke alarm safety tips:

Remember Servpro of GNC is available 24/7 if you experience a fire in your home.  Call (843-747-8750) or Contact Us Online so we can get you back into your home as quickly and comfortably as possible.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tuesday Tip ~ 6/12/2012

With Storm Season officially underway, make sure you have a backup regimen for the data on your computer! Lightning and flooding can certainly ruin the equipment but frequently backing up can keep you from losing the valuable information stored ON that equipment! There are plenty of reputable online options to choose from… Carbonite is a great example!!  http://www.carbonite.com/en/4b

Do you own a business?  We can customize an Emergency Ready Plan to best suit your business needs in the event of a flood or fire. Putting you back in business with as little confusion and delay as possible...And it is FREE!  For more information, simply  fill out our Contact Us online form and mention this blog!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

TUESDAY TIP ~ 6/5/2012

Going on vacation??? 3 minutes could save your home!! First... Turn off the breaker to your hot water heater.... Second... Turn off the water at the meter OUTSIDE! Weird stuff has been known to happen all to often to plumbing and if the water heater goes dry...it can start a fire!

For more information on our services visit our website!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday Tip: 5/29/2012

FEMA study reports that clothes dryer fires account for about 15,600 structure fires annually… leading cause? Failure to clean! Not just emptying the lint trap (although this is a good place to start!), but don't forget to clean the ducts and outdoor dampers as well!  (You can read the full report on: http://www.usfa.fema.gov/downloads/pdf/statistics/v7i1.pdf )

For information on our services, visit our website!